During our one week semester break in May, we were given a task to observe 10 different furniture and 10 interior elements like floor, ceiling, wall, etc. These observations had to be done based on cafes only. So this served as a good chance to experience the various design concepts, interiors and ambience of many cafes. Out of the 20 drawings that I had done, below are the top 10 of my favourites! Enjoy! :D Coffee Table at After Night, Sri Damansara Sofa Set at Rondaevoo, Sri Damansara Armed Chair at Rondaevoo, Sri Damansara Dining Table at Rondaevoo, Sri Damansara Metal Shelf at Rondaevoo, Sri Damansara Tile Flooring Timber Flooring Stairs at Souled Out, Sri Hartamas Brick Wall Timber Wall at Wood & Steel Cafe